The Jeonil Medical Foundation - a mecca of the global silver industry.
Jeon Se-il, the director of Jeonil Medical Foundation¡¯s One Family Nursing Home, which has gained worldwide recognition with a global mindset.
Artificial Kidney
Medical Services
at the Artificial Kidney Center
The Artificial Kidney Room provides advanced dialysis equipment and systems with proven safety for patients suffering from chronic kidney disease for a long period of time. We offer a comfortable space for dialysis and maximize pleasant interior. Learn more.
Professional Rehabilitation Therapy
from Skilled Medical Staff
We execute systematic education and training programs and regular conferences to recover the patient's functions as much as possible.
Community Care
From Home To Hospital
and From Hospital To Home
We practice community care that provides a happy retirement for seniors who prefer to spend their later years in their homes rather than nursing facilities. We genuinely take care of them like our one family with proper care.
We Listen To The Patient's Story
and Respect Their Choices
One Family Nursing Home's Thanatology Program is a system that helps alleviate patient's anxiety about death and lead them to a meaningful and blessed life.
Hello, I am
Jeon Se-Il, the director of One Family Nursing Home.
[Current positions held]
- Director of One Family Nursing Home
- Director of the Integrative Medicine Promotion & Research Insititute
- President of the Brain Trainers Association
- Chair Professor at Global Cyber University
- Chairman of the International Meditation and Culture Center
- Adviser of the Life-threatening club
- Member of the Korean Cultural Capital Organization
- Graduated from Yonsei University School of Medicine
- Qualified as a rehabilitation specialist in the United States
- (U.S)President of the International Acupuncture Society
- [Former positions held] Director of Rehabilitation Hospital at Yonsei University College of Medicine
- Vice President of the International Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Director of the Integrated Medical School at CHA Medical University
3F Yurim Norgweigan Morning, 45, Jangdaegol-ro 7beon-gil, Suyeong-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
Tel. 051-752-6100 / Fax. 051-752-3838